One member is allowed to present a maximum of only one paper and/or one poster and/or one table clinic in a conference for being judged in a competitive category. In case of multiple entries, only the first one will be considered to be for inclusion in the competitive section.
Papers shall be accepted in only three categories: Research, Clinical and Clinical Innovations. Review papers shall NOT be accepted.
Posters shall be accepted in only three categories: Research, Clinical, and Clinical Innovation.
Table Clinic shall be accepted in only two categories: Research & Clinical.
All papers and posters should be prepared and presented as per the guidelines given.
The complete presentation (including photos, tables and charts etc., if any) shall be submitted to the Indian Orthodontic Society Head Office 60 days before the presentation without any identification of the presenter / author / source and along with the completed application form.
The paper/ presentation shall be self-certified in the application form.
The Indian Orthodontic Society Head Office shall hand over the manuscripts of the accepted papers to the Editor, Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society and Editor, IJCO of IOS for possible publication.
The papers submitted shall be screened and only 30 papers will be selected for presentation in each category.
Screening shall be done by a Peer Review Committee appointed by the Executive Committee with the help of Conference Scientific Committee for screening the papers and their decision shall be final.
Paper presentations should not be code numbered. Their names and titles of presentation should appear in the scientific schedule of the conference
Each presenter (paper/poster/table clinic) shall have a code number
In the Free-paper presentations that vie for awards, (paper/poster/table clinic), only name of the presenter (e.g. Dr. XxxxYyyyy) shall be allowed to be displayed on just the Title Slide. The presenter/first author‘s qualifications, degrees, names of co - authors, institution, place, etc., as a form of possible identification shall not be allowed to be displayed. If any presentation does so, it will be automatically disqualified for being considered for an award.
In each category, awards shall be given for the first three places in the paper, poster and table clinic sections, provided there be sufficient number of entries. If the number of entries is only 10-15, only two awards will be presented. If the number of entries is less than ten, only one award will be presented. Totally, not more than 3 awards shall be given for each of the three sections (paper, poster and table clinic). Multiple „shared‟ awards for each of the 1 st , 2 nd and/or 3 rd prize shall not be given. If there is „tie‟ for any category, the Scientific Convener’s decision will be final should the judges not wish to restrict the award to any a single recipient.
Cash awards and fellowships shall be granted only where a sponsor is available
For paper presentations, a time of 12 minutes for presentation plus 3 minutes for discussion shall be allowed
All posters should be presented digitally. The name of the first author has to be at the lower right corner with a font size of not more than 48.
Posters can be either poster board format or E format as pre-decided jointly by EC
All efforts shall be made by the Scientific Committee Convener to collect the complete manuscript from all speakers / presenters before presentation and to obtain his / her consent to publish the same in the Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. Orations as well as Guest Lectures by invited speakers who lecture for 45 minutes or more will be exempt from this pre-condition
Space shall be allotted for presentation of the posters / table clinics which secured the first two places in each category in the just / previously concluded Indian Orthodontic Society Post Graduate Students‟ Convention
Non-competitive paper presentation section may be included (if there are papers in the said category) at the discretion of the Organizing Scientific Committee